Medieval Occupations - Farmer, Fisherman, Forester
Medieval Occupations
(Jobs in the Medieval Age)


Farming was the most popular occupation of the Medieval Ages as it was an essential element to survival. A local lord or master would grant portions of his land to commoners and serfs and in exchange the people would till, cultivate and maintain the property to produce crops. What was grown was eventually sold at local markets at which the peasants were allowed to keep a share. Most revenue went to the local lord however through taxes and levies.
In the society of the Middle Ages, a man's status was based on how much land and livestock he owned. As both of these elements were critical for revenue, a private farmer who owned his own land could become quite rich.
Crops were varied and depended greatly on how fertile the plot of farmed land was.

The Fisherman was much like the farmer in that he provided food as a commodity and thus sustained the survival of towns and villages. Usually a professional fisherman worked on a boat owned by a noble or local lord. The work would begin at sunrise as the boats would depart to cast lines and nets into oceans, lakes, rivers and causeways. Fish tended to fetch a higher price in the market because of the rapid rate at which they deteriorated and spoiled.
A fisherman who had his own boat was not necessarily in a position to capitalize on free enterprise. Though he was entitled to operate legally by himself, most waterways were the legal right and claim of kings and nobles. Therefore limits were imposed on the private fisherman as to how much bounty he could haul out of the waters. Even then, higher taxes were assessed on him in the markets to ensure that the regent or local master got his due share.

The Forester usually held a position equal to a sheriff or local law enforcer. He was responsible for patrolling the woodlands on a lord or noble's property. His duties included negotiating deals for the sale of lumber and timber and to stop poachers from illegally killing animals in the forest.
Many times wanted criminals would flee their arrest warrants and seek the safety of hiding in a forest. When this would occur it was the duty of the Forester to oragnize roving gangs of armed men to flush out the criminal and capture him.
Often Foresters held titles of prominence in their local communities and also acted as barristers and arbitrators. Their pay was usually above average and they could stand to make a decent and profitable living.

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